KnowFirst™ vs Similarweb.

Which tool is right for you?​

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What is KnowFirst™?

KnowFirst™ is the newest and best AI-powered real-time search engines specially for the Australian market. Suitable for business tracking, timeline information, daily alerts and competitor intelligence, the software was designed to provide users everything they need to know about any Australian company in one location. The AI driven software also provides users with suggested companies to expand lead generation and improve pitch intelligence

What is Similarweb?

With Similarweb’s unique traffic and engagement data, you get full visibility into every part of a prospect’s digital strategy and performance, enabling you to find new opportunities and craft pitches that win.

KnowFirst™ vs Similarweb Features

In order to maximize the benefits of your company’s data analysis and quality tools, it’s important to seek out product features that align with your company’s goals. To simplify the process of comparing KnowFirst™ and Cognism features, we have summarised them in the bullet points below.

KnowFirst™ Features

  • Competitor Intelligence: Use the detailed search to access key company and competitor intelligence on businesses across Australia.
  • Company Tracking: Keep track of your competitors activity so you can move first and make the best decisions to stay ahead of the competition. 
  • Timeline of Events: Supercharge your pitch intelligence with up to two years of events displayed in an easy to use timeline.    
  • Alerts: Receive instant alerts in the platform and daily alert emails with key company information to action in real time. 

Similarweb Features

  • Find prospects who match your ideal customer profile from Similarweb’s database of over 100M websites
  • Strengthen the quality of your pipeline and prioritize outreach by adding more relevant data points to leads with Lead Enrichment
  • Monitor your accounts to stay on top of new and upsell business opportunities with alerts
  • Deep dive into your prospects digital performance and strategy to better understand how your solution can help

KnowFirst™ vs Similarweb Data

Below, we’ll go into detail regarding the accuracy and reliability of the databases from KnowFirst™ and Cognism.

KnowFirst™ Data

KnowFirst™ providers users with millions of data touchpoints, including both company and contact information. Contact data is limited to online profiles. The accuracy of the data sits well above 90% and comes from first party, publicly available information, machine learning models for additional insights as well as strategic partnerships.

Similarweb Data

Similarweb’s unique mix of digital signals obtained from a variety of unique sources allows them to measure and map the digital world in a timely and comprehensive way. After the data is collected, they run a sophisticated algorithmic process to clean, match, synthesize, process, and blend inputs for data modelling.

KnowFirst™ vs Similarweb Usability

User experience goes beyond a software’s features – how you feel when using it, and how smooth everything is. Let’s see how these two contenders compare in this regard.

KnowFirst™ Usability

The AI driven data available on KnowFirst™ is stored locally, ensuring user experience do not experience lengthy load time or time out issues. Overall, the tool provides users with the ability to access marketing, business, employee, reviews and many more data points in one location. New features are constantly being activated based on user feedback. 

Similarweb Usability

At first, Similarweb is hard to navigate due to the large range of features and functions which are not relevant to many industries. Additionally, users have found there is a substantial amount of data available on website analytics, but lacks information on paid advertising, SEO, PPC and social media metrics.

KnowFirst™ vs Similarweb Plans and Pricing

Since you want to get the best for your money, selecting the appropriate pricing plan for your needs is pays. We’ve summed up what you need to know below.

KnowFirst™ Plans and Pricing

KnowFirst™ offers subscribers a two week trial of their premium package, with multiple monthly and annual subscription plans available. Single users can start accessing the platform for $39 per month, with no limitations on the data being accessed. Enterprise subscriptions can be tailored to the users needs. 

Similarweb Plans and Pricing

Similarweb offers three subscription packages. A free version, their Professional subscription and Enterprise, which are then broken down into 5 specific industry solutions. Their Professional and Enterprise subscriptions  for each industry use custom pricing models which begin at $167 per month. 

Subscription pricing for KnowFirst

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