Maximising the Impact of Cold Emailing: Best Practices for Sales Teams

Cold emailing can be a powerful tool for sales teams looking to expand their reach and generate new leads. However, with the rise of spam filters and inbox overload, it’s more important than ever to approach cold emailing strategically and thoughtfully. In this guide, we’ll share some best practices for maximising the impact of your cold emailing efforts. From crafting compelling subject lines to personalising your messaging and measuring your results, these tips can help you improve the effectiveness of your cold emailing campaigns and generate more high-quality leads for your sales team.

The top 5 methods for successful cold emailing

Craft a compelling subject line

Your subject line is the first thing that recipients will see in their inbox, so it’s essential to make it attention-grabbing and compelling. Use concise and clear language that communicates the value proposition of your email and entices the recipient to open it.

Personalise your messaging

Personalisation is key to successful cold emailing. Take the time to research the recipient and tailor your messaging to their specific needs and interests. Use their name, reference their company or recent news, and highlight how your product or service can help them achieve their goals.

Keep it concise and focused

Most recipients won’t have time to read a lengthy email, so it’s important to keep your message concise and focused. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and clear language to communicate your message quickly and effectively.

Include a clear call-to-action

Every cold email should include a clear and specific call-to-action. This could be an invitation to schedule a call, download a resource, or sign up for a trial. Make it easy for the recipient to take the next step and provide clear instructions on what they need to do.

Measure and optimise your results

Regularly measuring and optimising your cold emailing campaigns is essential to improving their effectiveness over time. Look for metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to understand what’s working and what’s not. Use this data to make data-driven decisions about how to improve your messaging, targeting, and overall approach.

Top Email Templates To Start Using Today

There are many different templates that sales professionals use for client prospecting, and the most effective ones can vary depending on the specific industry and target audience. Here are some common templates to get you started:

Introduction email

This is a template that sales professionals use to introduce themselves to a potential client. It typically includes a brief introduction of the salesperson and their company, as well as a clear statement of why they are reaching out to the prospect. The email should be short and to the point, with a clear call-to-action to schedule a call or meeting.

Referral email

A referral email is a template that sales professionals use when they are introduced to a potential client by someone they know. In this email, the salesperson can thank the referrer for making the introduction and explain how they can help the prospect with their specific needs.

Value proposition email

This is a template that sales professionals use to explain the unique value that their product or service can provide to the prospect. The email should highlight the benefits of the product or service, as well as any key features that differentiate it from competitors.

Follow-up email

A follow-up email is a template that sales professionals use to follow up with a prospect after an initial meeting or call. This email should include a recap of the previous conversation, as well as any next steps that were agreed upon. It’s important to keep the email concise and focused on moving the conversation forward.

Personalised email

A personalised email is a template that sales professionals use to tailor their messaging to the specific needs and interests of the prospect. This type of email requires research on the prospect’s business and industry, as well as an understanding of their pain points and challenges. The email should demonstrate the salesperson’s knowledge and expertise, and offer specific solutions to the prospect’s needs.

Overall, the key to effective prospecting templates is to keep the messaging clear, concise, and focused on the prospect’s needs and interests. Personalisation and research are also important to help build trust and establish a relationship with the prospect.

By implementing these methods, you can improve the effectiveness of your cold emailing campaigns and generate more high-quality leads for your sales team. Remember to focus on personalisation, conciseness, and providing clear value to the recipient, and to measure your results to continuously optimise your approach.

Wrapping Up

Power your B2B prospecting strategies and unlock more opportunities using our data!

With KnowFirst, you get:

  • Fresh Data
  • On-Demand Access
  • Multiple Filters
  • Historical Data

Whether it be people, marketing or company records, our data sets span more than 15 different categories, offering API and Platform users millions of data points.

B2B Prospecting: 7 strategies that supercharge your sales

In today’s competitive business landscape, B2B prospecting has emerged as a cornerstone of successful sales strategies. At its core, B2B prospecting encapsulates the art and science of identifying, targeting, and cultivating potential clients or customers for your products or services within the realm of business-to-business interactions. Unlike the more passive approach of waiting for leads to come in, effective prospecting involves a proactive and systematic hunt for valuable business opportunities. This process not only drives revenue growth but also fosters meaningful business relationships.

The integration of a data-enriched Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system has proven to be a game-changer in B2B prospecting, empowering organisations to not only streamline their prospecting efforts but also gain a deeper understanding of their target market’s needs and preferences.

What is B2B sales prospecting?

Sales prospecting is the process of identifying B2B companies or people that could be a good fit for your solution (known as prospects) and reaching out to them.

Prospecting can be inbound (salesperson receives a list of prospects from the marketing team) or outbound (sales teams pick their target). Outbound prospecting is harder than inbound as you’re targeting people who haven’t yet expressed interest in your product, but you do have more control over what comes back, and deals tend to be larger.

7 B2B Sales prospecting strategies that work

Predictive Analytics-Powered Targeting

Leverage predictive analytics to identify high-potential leads by analysing historical data patterns, enabling you to prioritise prospects who are more likely to convert. Integrating this predictive model into your CRM system can streamline the process of identifying and nurturing these leads.

Social Listening for Personalisation

Utilise social listening tools to monitor conversations, pain points, and trends within your target industries. Incorporate this real-time data into your CRM to personalise outreach, showing prospects that you understand their specific challenges and needs.

Automate and Integrate

Data is vital when it comes to your B2B prospecting endeavours, constituting the very foundation upon which all sales and marketing prospecting initiatives are constructed.

For Sales Development Representatives and Account Managers, the acquisition of precise and compliant data lists stands paramount, forming the bedrock for making cold calls, disseminating B2B prospecting emails, and engaging leads through social media. Equally, Business Development Managers (BDMs) rely on current and accurate data to glean insights into their prospects, seamlessly execute impactful demonstrations, and ultimately seal crucial deals.

Sales data is also necessary for inbound marketing, with data serving as a linchpin for Performance, Content, and Campaign Marketers, who harness it to meticulously research, optimise, and dissect their initiatives. By fostering a collective emphasis on data across the entire team, a culture of data-driven marketing takes root, culminating in an augmented track record of accomplishments.

Data-Enriched Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Combine the power of ABM with data integration. Craft highly personalised campaigns for individual key accounts by integrating CRM data with third-party sources to create a comprehensive view of each target company, enabling you to tailor your messaging and outreach.

Employing an account-based approach necessitates thorough groundwork. Identifying all pertinent individuals within an account, along with the relevant materials tailored for each, becomes paramount. This strategic approach extends beyond the C-suite; it encompasses every individual who holds a role in the decision-making chain.

Sell solutions, not products

The ability to craft and deliver solutions that align with your clients’ business goals is a differentiator that can set your sales efforts apart. This works because it builds relationships, establishes trust, and ensures the prospect feels valued and heard right from the start.

Shift your focus away from fixating solely on your product and its features, and instead, direct your attention towards the prospect and the benefits that await them. Right from the outset, identify their pain points, allowing them the space to express themselves until you are certain you’ve uncovered all their challenges and concerns. Hold back from launching into a pitch about your product until they inquire about it. By doing so, you cultivate genuine interest and desire, resulting in the prospect leading the progression of the sales journey.

Interactive Content for Engagement

Create interactive content such as assessments, quizzes, or interactive eBooks that provide value to prospects while gathering valuable insights about their pain points and preferences. This data can be seamlessly integrated into your CRM to enhance prospect profiling.

Partner with industry influencers or complementary service providers to co-host webinars or workshops. By sharing insights and knowledge, you attract prospects interested in your expertise while expanding your reach. CRM data can help you segment and target the attendees effectively.

Gamification in Outreach

Infuse gamification elements into your outreach efforts. For instance, create interactive challenges related to your industry and encourage prospects to participate. The data generated from these engagements can be fed into your CRM to gauge interest levels and tailor follow-up strategies.

How integrated data improves lead enrichment and prospecting strategies

By integrating data into every step of this strategy, from prospect identification to post-sale nurturing, you ensure that your solutions remain current, relevant, and effective in addressing the ever-evolving needs of your clients.

Remember, the effectiveness of these strategies lies not only in their innovation but also in their alignment with your target audience’s preferences and your overall business goals. By integrating the data collected through these strategies into your CRM, you’ll not only enhance prospecting but also lay the foundation for more meaningful, personalised, and successful B2B interactions.

Wrapping Up

Power your B2B prospecting strategies and unlock more opportunities using our data!

With KnowFirst, you get:

  • Fresh Data
  • On-Demand Access
  • Multiple Filters
  • Historical Data

Whether it be people, marketing or company records, our data sets span more than 15 different categories, offering API and Platform users millions of data points.

The Benefits of B2B Data Integration in your CRM

In the ever-evolving landscape of B2B relationships, one truth remains constant: data is the cornerstone of informed decision-making. The journey to understanding and engaging your customers hinges on the quality and accessibility of the information at your disposal. This is where the power of integrating B2B business data into your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system comes into play.

Picture a scenario where you possess a comprehensive and real-time view of your B2B customers: their historical interactions, preferences, and evolving needs. With this wealth of data at your fingertips, your sales, marketing, and customer service teams can orchestrate personalised experiences, anticipating needs before they arise and resolving concerns with impressive agility.

From gaining a profound understanding of your customers to propelling sales and streamlining marketing efforts, the advantages of B2B Data Integration in your CRM are both multifaceted and compelling.

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Get a deep understanding of any Australian business in seconds using the KnowFirst™ API.

Improved Customer Understanding

The better you understand your customers, the more effectively you can tailor your products, services, and interactions to meet their unique needs. This is where integrating B2B business data into your CRM system shines brightly.

Enriching Customer Profiles

Imagine having access to a centralised repository of detailed information about your B2B customers. Integrating data from various touch points such as interactions, transactions, and engagements allows you to create comprehensive customer profiles. These profiles go beyond basic contact information, delving into the heart of your customer’s preferences, pain points, and aspirations. With this rich tapestry of data, you can personalise your approach and ensure that every interaction resonates with authenticity.

Unearthing Customer Behaviour Insights

The integration of B2B business data doesn’t merely stop at demographics. It extends into the realm of behavioural insights, revealing how your customers interact with your offerings. Tracking their purchase history, engagement patterns, and communication preferences enables you to anticipate their next move. This predictive prowess empowers your sales and marketing teams to proactively address emerging needs, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Crafting Targeted Marketing Strategies

Effective marketing hinges on relevance, and integrating B2B data into your CRM system empowers you to craft laser-focused marketing strategies. By segmenting your customer base based on their characteristics and behaviours, you can deliver tailored messages that resonate deeply. Whether it’s sending product recommendations that align with their past purchases or delivering content that addresses their pain points, your marketing efforts become more precise and impactful.

Fueling Personalised Interactions

In the B2B landscape, personalisation isn’t just a buzzword – it’s a strategic imperative. With integrated data, your sales representatives can approach interactions armed with a profound understanding of the customer’s journey. From remembering previous discussions to acknowledging specific pain points, these personalised interactions build rapport and trust, laying the foundation for long-lasting partnerships.

Enhanced Sales and Lead Generation

In the realm of B2B sales, precision and efficiency are paramount. Integrating B2B business data into your CRM system can revolutionise your approach to sales and lead generation, giving you a competitive edge in a crowded marketplace.

Identifying High-Potential Leads

The integration of B2B data enables you to identify leads with the highest potential for conversion. By analysing factors such as industry, company size, and historical interactions, you can create lead scoring models that prioritise leads most likely to convert. This data-driven approach ensures that your sales team’s efforts are directed where they will yield the greatest return.

Nurturing Leads with Historical Insights

Imagine being able to understand a lead’s entire journey before even making the first contact. Integrated B2B data equips your sales team with insights into a lead’s interactions, inquiries, and preferences. This historical context enables more meaningful conversations, as your team can reference past interactions and tailor their approach accordingly, building a sense of continuity and rapport.

Personalised Sales Pitches

Generic sales pitches fall flat in the B2B world. Integrated data empowers your sales representatives to craft pitches that resonate deeply with the prospect’s needs and pain points. Whether it’s referencing a recent interaction or proposing a solution tailored to their industry challenges, personalised sales pitches stand out in a sea of generic outreach efforts.

Shortened Sales Cycles

Integrating B2B data streamlines the sales process by reducing the need for repetitive data entry and research. Armed with comprehensive customer profiles, your sales team can bypass time-consuming data gathering and jump straight into meaningful conversations. This efficiency not only shortens sales cycles but also frees up valuable time for pursuing more leads.

Streamlined Marketing Campaigns

In the dynamic landscape of B2B marketing, relevance and resonance reign supreme. Integrating B2B business data into your CRM system empowers your marketing endeavours with the precision needed to captivate your audience and drive meaningful engagement.

Precise Customer Segmentation

The foundation of effective marketing is understanding your audience. Integrated B2B data allows you to segment your customer base based on demographics, behaviours, and past interactions. This segmentation enables you to create targeted campaigns that address specific pain points and aspirations, leading to higher engagement rates and improved ROI.

Hyper-Targeted Messaging

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all messaging. With integrated data, your marketing team can craft messages that resonate on a personal level. Whether it’s tailoring content to address a particular industry’s challenges or referencing a lead’s recent interaction, hyper-targeted messaging showcases your commitment to understanding your audience’s needs.

Behavioural Trigger Campaigns

Integrated B2B data unlocks the potential for automated behavioural trigger campaigns. By tracking customer behaviours and interactions, you can design campaigns that are triggered by specific actions. For instance, sending a follow-up email after a prospect downloads a whitepaper or offering a discount when a customer’s usage of a product reaches a certain threshold. These automated campaigns engage customers at critical moments, enhancing their journey.

Data-Driven Content Strategy

Your content strategy gains a strategic advantage when backed by integrated B2B data. Insights into what types of content resonate with specific segments allow you to fine-tune your content creation efforts. This data-driven approach ensures that your content isn’t just valuable but also aligned with your audience’s preferences and interests.

In the fast-paced world of B2B marketing, standing out requires more than creativity – it requires strategic precision. Integrated B2B business data equips your marketing team with the insights needed to deliver campaigns that resonate deeply, driving engagement and conversions.

Improved Customer Service

In the B2B arena, exceptional customer service is the cornerstone of building enduring relationships. Integrating B2B business data into your CRM system empowers your customer service teams with the insights and tools they need to provide seamless, personalised, and efficient support.

Rapid Issue Resolution

Integrated B2B data equips your customer service representatives with a comprehensive view of a customer’s history. When a customer reaches out with an issue, your team can access past interactions, purchases, and inquiries instantly. This contextual understanding expedites problem-solving, reducing response times and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Personalised Support Experiences

Customer service that feels personalised sets the gold standard in B2B relationships. With integrated data, your representatives can greet customers by name, reference their past interactions, and offer solutions that align with their specific needs. This personal touch reassures customers that they are valued and understood.

Proactive Issue Anticipation

Integrated B2B data allows you to identify trends and patterns in customer behaviour. This insight enables your customer service teams to anticipate potential issues and reach out to customers before problems escalate. This proactive approach not only prevents frustration but also demonstrates your commitment to customer success.

Seamless Cross-Channel Support

In the modern B2B landscape, customers interact with businesses across multiple channels. Integrated data ensures that no matter where a customer initiates contact – be it email, chat, or phone – your representatives have access to a unified history. This continuity of information fosters seamless cross-channel support, eliminating the need for customers to repeat their concerns.


In the B2B world, customer service isn’t just about resolving issues – it’s about cultivating trust and loyalty. Integrated B2B business data empowers your customer service, marketing and sales teams to provide support that is not only efficient but also deeply empathetic and personalised.

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Enrich your CRM data today… Zap to it!

If business automation and app integrations sound intimidating, don’t be scared off just yet. Tools like Zapier have made it easy to set up workflows and alerts, saving everyone from those manual tasks that everyone hates (but must be done).

What is a Zapier Integration

Zapier is a powerful automation tool that allows you to connect different web applications and automate workflows between them without the need for any coding skills. It acts as a bridge between various apps, enabling them to communicate and exchange information seamlessly.

With Zapier, you can create automated tasks, known as “Zaps,” that trigger actions in one app based on events or actions in another. These actions are called “triggers” and “actions” respectively, and they are the building blocks of Zapier workflows. Zapier supports a vast library of apps, ranging from popular productivity tools like Gmail, Slack, and Trello, to e-commerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce, as well as CRM systems like Salesforce and HubSpot.

With zaps, users can make anything from simple one-step tasks to complex, dynamic workflows. The process of building zaps is easy, codeless, and highly flexible, and there are many pre-built zaps that you can add to your own process to save even more time.

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Get a deep understanding of any Australian business in seconds using the KnowFirst™ API.

Best Zapier + KnowFirst Integrations


Salesforce is a leading CRM platform that helps businesses manage customer data, track leads, and automate sales workflows. When combined with Zapier, it opens up a world of possibilities for seamless data integration and workflow automation. The Salesforce Zapier integration allows you to create Zaps that connect Salesforce with hundreds of other apps, enabling you to automate tasks, trigger actions, and streamline data between different systems. This integration eliminates manual data entry, reduces errors, and ensures that your sales processes are efficient and consistent.

Try This Zap – When creating new Salesforce records, or new leads via web forms, unlock their potential with added enrichment data from KnowFirst. Empower your sales staff with added data to paint a more informed picture of your customers before the first call is made.


Whether you work in marketing, sales, or customer success, you can use Zapier with HubSpot to eliminate the tedious manual work involved in managing your contacts and forms. Focus your time on closing more deals and helping your customers. Use Zapier to automatically move info in and out of HubSpot and trigger tasks like sending emails, creating online spreadsheets, and registering clients for events.

Try This Zap – With KnowFirst’s enriched data, you can make more informed decisions and improve client interactions. This Zap makes collecting those insights simple. Once it’s active, each new HubSpot company record will automatically contain additional insights that you might have overlooked; stay updated with the KnowFirst to keep a step ahead of your competitors.


Easily elevate your Zoho CRM experience with enriched business data! This Zap integrates KnowFirst API’s insights directly into your Zoho CRM.

Try This Zap – This Zap will automatically populate the corresponding fields in your new Zoho CRM records with business details, social metrics, tech stacks, or finance data from KnowFirst. Streamline your workflow, eliminate manual data updates, and ensure your CRM data is always comprehensive and current.

Boost your CRM with actionable business insights from KnowFirst! With this Zap, as you add each new board, you’ll automatically find business details, social metrics, tech stacks, or finance data from KnowFirst API.

Try this Zap – This integration is a game-changer for teams looking to supercharge their customer relationship management on with rich, up-to-date business intelligence.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

Enhance your Microsoft Dynamics 365 account records effortlessly! With this Zap, whenever you add a new account in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, you’ll automatically access business details, social metrics, tech stacks, or finance data from KnowFirst API, populating those details into the corresponding fields of your Dynamics 365 Account object.

Try This Zap – Keep your CRM enriched and up-to-date without manual data entry.

Google Sheets

Being able to collect, track, and analyse your data is essential for any business. Using Google Sheets with Zapier, you can automatically create and edit spreadsheets with data from other apps you use. Zapier can monitor changes in your Google Sheets and quickly share your important data with stakeholders. When you put Zapier to work with Google Sheets, you can connect Google Sheets to other apps, automating all of your spreadsheet tasks to save you time.

Try This Zap – This Zap automates the process of retrieving business information from the KnowFirst API using an ABN (Australian Business Number) system as soon as you add or update a row in a specified Google Sheets spreadsheet. Activate this Zap to streamline the process of acquiring, organising, and managing essential business data.

Other Zaps that just make sense


Calendly is a popular online scheduling tool that allows individuals and businesses to easily schedule and manage appointments. When combined with Zapier, it becomes even more powerful. With the Calendly Zapier integration, you can automatically trigger actions in other apps based on events in your Calendly calendar. This integration eliminates the need for manual data searching and ensures that your scheduling workflows are efficient and error-free.


Slack is a widely used team collaboration platform that allows real-time messaging, file sharing, and team channels. When combined with Zapier, it opens up a world of possibilities. The Slack Zapier integration enables you to create automated workflows that trigger actions in Slack based on events or actions in other connected apps. This integration streamlines communication, eliminates the need for manual updates, and keeps your team informed and engaged. With the ability to connect Slack with hundreds of other apps, you can customise and tailor your Zaps to fit your team’s specific needs, improving efficiency and productivity.


Gmail is a widely used email service that offers a range of features for effective communication and email management. When combined with Zapier, it opens up opportunities to create efficient and personalised email automation. The Gmail Zapier integration allows you to create Zaps that connect Gmail with various other apps, enabling you to automate actions based on specific triggers or events in your email. This integration eliminates the need for manual email management, saves time, and reduces the risk of overlooking important messages. By leveraging the power of Gmail and Zapier, you can create personalised and automated email workflows that enhance productivity and ensure efficient communication.

Try KnowFirst Today

By seamlessly connecting various web applications, Zapier eliminates the need for manual data entry, reduces errors, and enhances overall productivity. Whether it’s integrating email systems, CRM platforms, project management tools, or other business apps, Zapier simplifies the process and provides a centralised hub for managing data and automating actions.

Start creating your Zaps today with a KnowFirst 14 day trial today.

The Power of Account-Based Marketing for Lead Generation: A Sales Team's Guide

In the world of B2B sales, finding and engaging high-quality leads can be a challenging task. Traditional lead generation tactics often involve casting a wide net and hoping to catch the attention of potential prospects. However, account-based marketing (ABM) offers a more targeted and personalised approach that can be highly effective for B2B sales teams, especially when you utilise Australian business data in your ABM strategy. Exploring the power of ABM for lead generation and providing sales teams with practical tips and strategies will ensure effective implementation of your ABM program. Whether you’re new to ABM or looking to improve your existing efforts, generating more qualified leads and closing more deals will happen, with the help of a data driven approach.

What is ABM

ABM is a B2B marketing strategy that focuses on targeting specific high-value accounts or companies, rather than a broader audience. In an ABM approach, sales and marketing teams work together to identify the ideal customer profile using Australian business data, and then develop personalised campaigns to engage and nurture those specific accounts. This can involve targeted content, customised messaging, and personalised outreach efforts. By focusing on a smaller number of high-value accounts, ABM can lead to more effective lead generation, higher conversion rates, and stronger customer relationships. Essentially, ABM is about treating each target account as its own market and tailoring your marketing efforts to fit their specific needs and preferences.

Identify your target accounts

The first step in implementing an effective ABM strategy is to identify your target accounts. Work with your sales team to identify accounts that fit your ideal customer profile and have the potential for high value. Use data analysis and research to determine which accounts are most likely to be receptive to your products or services.

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Get a deep understanding of any Australian business in seconds using the KnowFirst™ API.

Personalise your messaging and outreach

Once you have identified your target accounts, develop personalised messaging and outreach efforts that are tailored to each account’s specific needs and preferences. Use data and insights to understand each account’s pain points, challenges, and goals. Create custom content and messaging that speaks directly to their needs and positions your solution as the best fit.

Leverage multiple channels and touchpoints

Successful ABM strategies use a combination of marketing channels and touchpoints to engage target accounts and move them closer to a sale. This can include personalised email campaigns, targeted social media advertising, custom content, and more. The key is to create a seamless, integrated experience for the target account that feels personal, valuable, and relevant to their needs.

Implementing these tips can help you use account-based marketing to generate more high-quality leads and close more deals. Remember to focus on personalisation, relevance, and value, and to use data and insights to guide your strategy at every step.

Improving your ABM strategy

If you’re already implementing an ABM strategy, here are three ways to improve it:

  • Continuously refine your ideal customer profile: Your ideal customer profile should be the foundation of your ABM strategy, so it’s important to continuously refine and update it as you gain more insights and data. Look for patterns and trends in your existing customer base and adjust your target account list accordingly. This will help you ensure that you’re focusing your efforts on the accounts that are most likely to convert and provide the highest value.
  • Use personalisation and dynamic content: Personalisation is key to successful ABM, so look for ways to increase the level of personalisation in your campaigns. Consider using dynamic content that changes based on the target account’s interests, preferences, and behaviour. This can help you create a more tailored experience that feels relevant and valuable to the target account.
  • Measure and analyse your results: Regularly measuring and analysing your ABM results is critical to improving your strategy. Look for metrics such as engagement rates, conversion rates, and customer lifetime value to understand how your ABM efforts are contributing to your overall business goals. Use this data to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions about how to optimise your ABM campaigns.

By continuously refining your ideal customer profile, increasing personalisation, and analysing your results, you can improve the effectiveness of your ABM strategy and generate more high-quality leads for your sales team. Remember to focus on creating a seamless, integrated experience for your target accounts that feels personalised, valuable, and relevant to their needs.


Account-based marketing offers a powerful approach for lead generation that can help sales teams focus their efforts on high-value accounts and increase the effectiveness of their campaigns. By taking a personalised and targeted approach to engaging prospects, sales teams can build stronger relationships, close more deals, and generate more revenue. Whether you’re just starting to explore ABM or looking to improve your existing efforts, the tips and strategies outlined in this guide can help you get the most out of your ABM campaigns. Remember to continuously refine your target account list, use personalisation and dynamic content, and measure your results to optimise your ABM strategy and achieve your sales goals.

How to use Australian Business Data for Investment Research

With a plethora of data available to businesses, making informed decisions is crucial to achieving success. Understanding the significance of reliable and up-to-date data in guiding investment strategies is a much needed factor when conducting your investment research. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting your investment journey, harnessing the power of Australian business data can provide you with invaluable insights to make well-informed decisions.

Australia, known for its robust economy and diverse business landscape, offers a treasure trove of valuable information for astute investors. From understanding your investment goals to identifying reliable sources of information, there are many fundamental aspects investors need to utilise when looking at Australian business data.

Leveraging Australian business data effectively

Investment research should be thorough and ongoing. Having access to tools and integrating them into your business can provide you with the most up to date information needed when looking to leverage Australian business data effectively.

Understand Your Investment Goals

Before diving into Australian business data, clarify your investment goals and objectives. Are you looking for long-term investments, short-term gains, or specific industries? Understanding your objectives will help you focus your research efforts.

Identify Reliable Sources

Reliable and up-to-date data sources are crucial for accurate investment research. In Australia, some key sources include:

  • Australian Securities Exchange (ASX): The ASX provides comprehensive information on listed companies, including financial statements, market announcements, and historical data. Their website ( offers a wealth of information and tools for investors.
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS): The ABS is the primary source of economic and demographic data in Australia. Their website ( provides a range of statistical information that can be useful for analysing market trends and consumer behaviour.
  • Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC): ASIC is the regulatory body for companies, financial markets, and professionals in Australia. Their website ( offers access to company reports, corporate filings, and other important regulatory information.
  • Australian Business Register (ABR): The ABR maintains the official record of business registration in Australia. You can search for companies, their Australian Business Numbers (ABNs), and basic details on the ABR website (

Access Australian Business Intelligence data with the KnowFirst™ API

Get a deep understanding of any Australian business in seconds using the KnowFirst™ API.

Market News and Analysis

Stay informed about market news, industry trends, and economic developments in Australia. Financial news outlets, such as Bloomberg, Reuters, and The Australian Financial Review, provide valuable insights and analysis. Consider subscribing to relevant newsletters, following industry-specific publications, and joining investment forums to stay up to date.

Data Analysis Tools

To analyse and interpret Australian business data effectively, consider utilising data analysis tools and software. Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets can help you organise and manipulate data, perform calculations, and create charts. Additionally, there are specialised investment research platforms and financial data providers that offer advanced analytics and screening tools, such as KnowFirst, Morningstar, Bloomberg Terminal, or FactSet.

Industry and Sector Research

Understand the industries and sectors you are interested in investing in. Conduct industry research to assess market dynamics, competitive landscape, growth potential, and regulatory factors. Industry associations, government reports, and market research firms can provide valuable insights in this regard.

How to apply the gathered information to investment decisions?

Only a deep analysis of the organisation, its competitors, and industry conditions will give a good idea of its value. Applying the analysis results to investment decisions involves contextualising them within the broader market trends and competitive landscape that the business faces. This requires leveraging your findings in conjunction with in-depth market research on similar products and services.

Begin by examining the detailed information on the company’s performance and financial position. If the overall assessment appears positive, it’s important to remain vigilant for any potential red flags. Valuable insights can be gained from company news, employee and customer reviews, and information available on news outlets and social media platforms. These sources can provide crucial input when considering market trends that may impact the target business.

The final step of the analysis involves thoroughly scrutinising all publicly available information about the key decision-makers within the company of interest. In addition to data on their departments, roles within the organisation, and areas of expertise, insights from their online presence should be considered. This supplemental information can help paint a more comprehensive picture of the individuals driving the company’s direction.

By integrating these steps into your investment analysis, you can make more informed decisions by aligning the data with market trends, assessing the company’s standing, and gaining insights into the key decision-makers. However, it’s important to note that investment decisions carry inherent risks, and seeking guidance from qualified financial professionals is advised.

The importance of using Australian Business Data

Conducting thorough research on a company using Australian business data is essential for investors to make informed decisions. Failing to do so can result in not only the cost of a poor investment but also the missed opportunity to invest in a more promising business. Only through a comprehensive analysis of the organisation, its competitors, and industry conditions can investors gain a clear understanding of its value.

Moreover, researching a company’s business model and the individuals involved can yield long-term benefits. The knowledge acquired can be applied when evaluating future opportunities that involve the same individuals or similar businesses. This accumulated knowledge becomes a valuable asset for making well-informed investment decisions down the line.

Therefore, diligently researching businesses is a prudent and necessary step before reaching any significant investment decision. By dedicating time and effort to thorough analysis, investors can enhance their chances of making sound investment choices and positioning themselves for long-term success. Remember, seeking guidance from financial professionals is always recommended to ensure comprehensive and accurate evaluations.

Buying vs. Scraping Data

How to get the most of your data acquisition strategy in 2023

You may have heard the quote ‘data is the new oil’, and with the continuing evolution of data-driven business environments, data truly is the oil that is keeping businesses moving forward in 2023. But unlike oil, data is an infinite resource, with the collection and distribution of data costing businesses more and more every year.

With an ever growing need to provide refreshed and expanded data to your teams, technical experts are grappling with the need to gather data using every means possible. So the question is… to buy your data from a vendor who has done the work for you, or to scrape and gather the data yourself?

Buying data vs. scraping data

Data Quality

Buying Data: Purchasing data from reputable providers ensures high-quality and pre-validated information. Data vendors invest significant resources in verifying, cleaning, and maintaining their datasets. As a result, businesses can rely on accurate and up-to-date information without the need for extensive cleaning or processing.

Scraping Data: Scraping data involves extracting information from websites and online sources. While it provides access to a vast pool of data, the quality can vary significantly. Websites often undergo updates, making scraping efforts prone to errors and inconsistencies. Scrapped data may require substantial cleaning and normalisation to be useful, potentially increasing the time and effort required for data enrichment.

Data Privacy and Compliance

Buying Data: Third-party data providers must adhere to privacy regulations and ensure data compliance. Reputable providers have stringent data protection measures in place, safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring compliance with laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). By purchasing data, businesses can avoid potential legal and ethical issues associated with data scraping.

Scraping Data: Data scraping, especially when performed on publicly accessible websites, raises concerns regarding data privacy and legal implications. Websites may have terms of service or usage agreements that prohibit scraping activities. Violating these terms can lead to legal consequences and damage to a company’s reputation. Moreover, scraping personal or sensitive data without proper consent may result in severe legal repercussions.

Data Customization and Relevance

Buying Data: Third-party data providers offer customised datasets tailored to specific business needs. Businesses can specify their desired criteria, such as demographics, geographies, or industry segments, and obtain relevant data that aligns with their objectives. This targeted approach saves time and effort in filtering and organising vast amounts of data.

Scraping Data: Scraping data allows for greater flexibility and control over the specific data sources to be collected. Businesses can curate their own datasets by scraping from websites that are most relevant to their industry or target audience. However, this process requires technical expertise, ongoing monitoring of data sources, and potential adjustments to scraping algorithms as websites change their structure.

Cost Considerations

Buying Data: Acquiring data from third-party providers typically involves a financial investment. The cost varies depending on factors such as data volume, customization, and data provider reputation. While buying data can be more expensive upfront, it may save businesses time and resources by providing readily available, clean datasets.

Scraping Data: Scraping data can be a cost-effective option, especially for businesses with limited budgets. However, it is crucial to consider the hidden costs associated with data scraping. These may include infrastructure for hosting scraped data, maintenance costs, anti-scraping measures, and ongoing efforts to adapt scraping processes to changes in target websites. Additionally, the time and expertise required for scraping and data cleaning should be factored into the overall cost analysis.

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Get a deep understanding of any Australian business in seconds using the KnowFirst™ API.

Which option to choose?

Before deciding between buying data and scraping data, businesses should thoroughly assess their project specifics, technical capabilities, time constraints, and budget limitations. If your project demands unique, complex, and ultra-current data, buying from reputable providers may be the ideal choice. However, if you have the technical expertise, time, and flexibility, scraping data can be a viable option, particularly when dealing with publicly available and less specialised information. Ultimately, the decision should align with your organisation’s goals, resources, and constraints.

Project Specifics

Consider whether your project requires unique, complex, and up-to-the-minute data or if pre-packaged, structured data would suffice. If your project demands highly specialised or real-time information, buying data from reputable providers might be the best option. However, if your needs are more generic or can be fulfilled with publicly available data, scraping may be a viable and cost-effective choice.

Technical Capability

Evaluate your organisation’s technical expertise, tools, and resources. Scraping data effectively requires proficiency in web scraping techniques, data extraction, cleaning, and structuring. If your team possesses the necessary skills and resources, scraping can be a viable option. Otherwise, purchasing data provides a more straightforward and reliable solution, as data providers invest significant efforts in data validation and maintenance.

Time Constraints

Consider the urgency of accessing the data. If time is of the essence and you require immediate access to quality data, buying data can save valuable time. Data providers have already invested resources in gathering, validating, and structuring the information, allowing you to focus on utilising the data rather than collecting and processing it. In contrast, scraping data can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with large volumes or complex data sources.


Evaluate your budgetary constraints and trade-offs. Buying data typically incurs upfront costs, as data providers charge for their curated datasets. However, this approach can save time and resources in the long run, as the data is ready to use and often of high quality. On the other hand, scraping data can offer potential cost savings, as publicly available data can be acquired at a lower or even no cost. However, it is essential to consider the hidden costs associated with scraping, such as infrastructure, maintenance, and data cleaning efforts.


The decision between buying data and scraping data depends on various factors, including data quality requirements, privacy concerns, customization needs, and cost considerations. Buying data provides businesses with validated and readily usable datasets, ensuring data compliance and saving time. On the other hand, scraping data offers flexibility, customization, and cost advantages, but requires technical expertise and entails legal and privacy risks. Ultimately, businesses must assess their unique requirements and consider the benefits and challenges associated with each approach to make an informed decision on enriching their databases.

Integrating B2B data to enhance your business strategy

Simply put, the more information you have in business, the better decisions you can make to drive the growth of your company.

Utilising external data through integrations offers a lot of advantages for the end user, such as understanding your competitors, improving your products or services, enhancing talent sourcing strategies, building data-driven products, and more.

The key benefits of integrating B2B data in your business strategy

When it comes to strategic planning, organisations that effectively utilise external data have a greater potential to outperform their competition. Benefits include:

Competitor Analysis

By leveraging data integration, businesses gain a deeper understanding of the market they operate in and their competition, giving them a competitive edge. And by analysing the competitive landscape through data integration, companies stay ahead of the pack in the market.

Implementing diverse data strategies within the organisation adds significant value by providing a comprehensive view of overall performance, as well as identifying market opportunities and potential threats.

Thorough company analysis

Big data is big business. Embracing big data empowers business leaders to tap into time series and historical data, enabling them to gain valuable insights into past successes and failures. By leveraging this wealth of information, they can make more informed, data-driven decisions moving forward.

Harnessing the insights derived from data, organisations can optimise the performance of various departments within their company. Additionally, they can benchmark specific aspects of their performance against competitors, gaining a deeper understanding of where they stand in the market and identifying areas for improvement. This data-driven approach enables businesses to stay ahead of the curve and drive continuous growth.

Lead generation

External data provides valuable information about the target audience, including demographics, behaviour patterns, and preferences. By analysing this data, businesses can refine their buyer personas and create highly targeted marketing campaigns. This enables them to reach the right prospects with personalised messages, increasing the likelihood of generating quality leads.

Integrating business data can also be used to build predictive models that help identify patterns and trends in lead generation. By analysing historical data and external market indicators, businesses can predict future lead generation outcomes more accurately. This enables proactive decision-making, allowing businesses to allocate resources effectively, optimise lead generation strategies, and adapt to market changes swiftly.

Strategic planning support

A truly effective company strategy goes beyond solely analysing internal data and delves into the realm of external data through integrations. By seeking out and leveraging the integrated data, organisations gain valuable insights that contribute to building more accurate predictive models. This broader perspective allows businesses to make informed decisions, anticipate market trends, and stay ahead of the competition, ultimately driving success and growth.

How different corporate departments integrate their business data

Sales and Business Intelligence

Professionals can leverage business data to generate new sales opportunities, find new opportunities for growth and also enhance their pitch intelligence with contextual and historical data.

Filter companies by location, founding date, industry, employee size and more to help find the best opportunities.

Talent Sourcing

Recruiters and HR professionals can use people data to enhance their talent sourcing strategies. They do this by generating lists of potential candidates, as well as monitoring the industry for people movements. By using this data, recruiters and HR professionals can find the best candidates from any company across Australia.

Filter people data by location, industry, experience and recent job movements to find the best employees that suit your company’s needs.

Data Driven Product Development

Business professionals can use company and product review data to analyse the market, and develop products best suited to their target market. They can also use employee reviews to develop their number one resource – people!

By directly accessing information from consumers and users, data driven product development will ensure your go to market strategies will suit the end user of your product or service.

Filter companies by tech stacks, reviews and key business details (ABN, company size etc.) to develop new products based on consumer needs.

Growth Marketing

Growth Marketing professionals can use social media, website and advertising data to drive their marketing campaigns to a new level. By leveraging the data collected from their competitors and clients, they focus their target marketing efforts to attract new customers and prospects.

Filter companies by paid and organic keywords, reviews and tech stacks to target your growth marketing campaigns in line with your market.

The difference between internal and external data integration

Internal data is collected by organisations in their operations and transactions. External data is collected by third parties, data marketplaces and more. See the full breakdown of the differences below:

Internal Data
External Data
Internal databases
Public or private sources
Collected By
Internal data teams
Data scientists
Systems and processes
Third-party organisations
Data marketplaces
Data brokerage agencies
and more...
Data Collection Methods
Primary and secondary data collection methods
Secondary data collection method
Data Quality


Organisations can significantly enhance the effectiveness of long-term business decisions by maximising the utilisation of publicly available external data. To unlock the most valuable insights, businesses should integrate their internal data with the existing external data sources. Furthermore, it is crucial for organisations to establish a robust data strategy that enables them to effectively evaluate and handle diverse data sets.

Access Australian Business Intelligence data with the KnowFirst™ API

Get a deep understanding of any Australian business in seconds using the KnowFirst™ API.

The Rise of Australian Business Intelligence: Navigating the Data-Driven Future

Are you ready to dive into the evolving landscape of business intelligence in Australia, understand the latest trends, technologies, and deliver best practices that empower your organisation to harness the full potential of their data and gain a competitive edge?

In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive business landscape, Australian companies are realising the immense value of harnessing data to gain a competitive edge. With the advent of advanced technologies and the growing availability of data, the rise of Australian business intelligence has become an imperative for organisations seeking to navigate the data-driven future successfully.

Latest Business Intelligence Trends

The field of Australian business intelligence and data is constantly evolving, driven by advancements in technology and changing business needs. Here are some of the latest trends shaping the landscape:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: AI and machine learning are revolutionising business intelligence in Australia. Organisations are leveraging these technologies to automate data analysis, detect patterns, and uncover valuable insights that were previously hidden. AI-powered predictive analytics is being used to forecast market trends, optimise operations, and personalise customer experiences.
  • Cloud-Based Solutions: Cloud computing has transformed the way Australian businesses handle their data. Cloud-based business intelligence platforms offer scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency, allowing organisations to store and analyse vast amounts of data without significant infrastructure investments. With cloud-based solutions, businesses can access real-time insights from anywhere, making data-driven decision-making more accessible and agile.
  • Data Governance and Privacy: As data becomes increasingly valuable, ensuring its security and privacy is crucial. Data governance frameworks and compliance regulations, such as the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme, are driving organisations to adopt robust data governance practices. This includes establishing data stewardship roles, implementing data protection measures, and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.
  • Self-Service Analytics: Empowering business users with self-service analytics tools is gaining popularity in Australia. These user-friendly platforms enable employees at all levels to explore and analyse data independently, without relying on IT or data teams. Self-service analytics fosters a data-driven culture within organisations, enabling faster decision-making and reducing the burden on IT departments.
  • Data Visualization and Storytelling: Data visualisation has become a powerful tool for communicating insights effectively. Australian businesses are increasingly investing in data visualisation tools that transform complex data sets into visually compelling charts, graphs, and interactive dashboards. Coupled with storytelling techniques, data visualisation helps stakeholders understand and act upon the insights derived from data.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Real-time analytics is gaining prominence in the Australian business landscape. With the advent of technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and streaming analytics, organisations can capture and analyse data in real-time, enabling them to respond swiftly to changing market conditions, customer preferences, and operational requirements.

Access Australian Business Intelligence data with the KnowFirst™ API

Get a deep understanding of any Australian business in seconds using the KnowFirst™ API.

Best Practices for using business intelligence data

Several best practices are reshaping the way companies extract insights from their data. By following these practices, businesses can improve the accuracy, relevance, and efficiency of their data analysis processes. Here are some key best practices.

Define Clear Business Objectives

Start by clearly defining the business objectives and the questions you want to answer with your data analysis. Aligning your data exploration with specific goals ensures that you focus on extracting insights that are relevant and actionable for your organisation.

Gather and Cleanse High-Quality Data

Data quality is critical for accurate insights. Ensure that you collect relevant and reliable data from trustworthy sources. Cleanse the data by removing duplicates, correcting errors, and handling missing values. This process helps ensure the integrity and reliability of the data you work with.

Emphasise Data Visualisation and Storytelling

Data visualisation plays a crucial role in conveying insights effectively. Use visualisations, charts, and graphs to present data in a visually appealing and easily understandable format. Additionally, focus on storytelling techniques to contextualise the data, highlight key findings, and create a compelling narrative around the insights.

Iterate and Learn

Treat data analysis as an iterative process. Continuously refine your analysis based on feedback, new data, and changing business needs. Learn from previous insights and apply those learnings to future analyses, improving the accuracy and relevance of your insights over time.

What’s next for Business Intelligence?

These trends reflect the growing emphasis on extracting value from data and utilising business intelligence to drive growth, efficiency, and innovation in the Australian business ecosystem. Embracing these trends can empower organisations to make smarter, data-driven decisions and gain a competitive advantage in the rapidly evolving marketplace.

Manage your data enrichment lifecycle

No matter what industry you work in, enriching your data throughout the whole data lifecycle is increasingly important for your career and performance. Data is everywhere and it’s crucial for businesses all over the world.

But, to keep your data enriched, secure and healthy, you need to be aware of the data lifecycle and how it influences the quality of your organisation’s data.

What is the data lifecycle?

In today’s increasingly data-driven world, the concept of the data lifecycle has gained significant importance. The data lifecycle refers to the complete journey that data takes throughout its existence, from its creation or acquisition to its eventual retirement or disposal.

This journey encompasses various stages, including data collection, storage, processing, analysis, and ultimately, the decision-making and actions driven by the insights gained from the data. Understanding and effectively managing the data lifecycle is crucial for organisations to harness the full potential of their data assets, ensuring data integrity, security, compliance, and value extraction at every step.

By delving into the intricacies of the data lifecycle, we can explore its stages and best practices that enable organisations to derive maximum value from their data while maintaining data governance and privacy standards.

What is Data Lifecycle Management (DLM)??

Data Lifecycle Management (DLM) is a comprehensive approach and set of strategies used by organisations to manage the entire lifecycle of their data assets, from creation to retirement. DLM encompasses the processes, policies, and technologies that govern data throughout its various stages, ensuring its quality, availability, security, and compliance. The primary goal of DLM is to optimise the value of data over time, making it accessible to the right stakeholders when needed while minimising risks and costs associated with data storage and maintenance.

Why is data enrichment important to the DLM?

Data enrichment plays a crucial role in DLM by enhancing the quality, completeness, and value of the data throughout its lifecycle. Data enrichment refers to the process of augmenting existing data with additional relevant information from various sources. This additional information can include demographic data, geolocation data, social media data, behavioural data, or any other relevant data points.

There are several reasons why data enrichment is important to DLM:

Improved Data Quality: Data enrichment helps enhance the accuracy and completeness of the data. By adding missing or correcting erroneous data elements, organisations can ensure that their data remains reliable and consistent throughout its lifecycle. This is especially beneficial for data-driven processes, analytics, and decision-making, as high-quality data leads to more accurate insights and outcomes.

Enhanced Data Understanding: Enriched data provides deeper insights and a better understanding of customers, markets, and other key areas of interest. By supplementing raw data with additional contextual information, organisations can gain valuable perspectives and identify patterns, trends, or correlations that might have otherwise been missed. This enables more informed decision-making and targeted strategies.

Personalization and Customer Experience: Data enrichment helps organisations create personalised experiences for their customers. By enriching customer data with details such as preferences, interests, and past interactions, organisations can tailor their products, services, and marketing campaigns to individual needs. This level of personalization enhances customer satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty.

Improved Targeting and Segmentation: Enriched data enables better customer segmentation and targeting. By enriching demographic data with variables such as income levels, purchasing behaviour, or social media activity, organisations can create more precise customer segments. This enables targeted marketing efforts, improved customer acquisition, and higher conversion rates.

Enrichment of Historical Data: Data enrichment is not limited to new or incoming data. It can also be applied retroactively to historical data. By enriching historical data, organisations can unlock new insights and patterns, discover hidden relationships, and make better-informed decisions based on a more comprehensive and enriched dataset.

Enrich your data with the KnowFirst™ API

Get a deep understanding of any Australian business in seconds using the KnowFirst™ API.

How to use AI to enrich your data

Using AI to enrich your data involves leveraging machine learning algorithms and techniques to extract valuable insights, patterns, or additional information from your existing data. Here are some common approaches to using AI for data enrichment:

Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP techniques can be used to analyse and extract information from text data. This could involve sentiment analysis, entity recognition, topic modelling, or text classification. By applying NLP algorithms, you can enrich your text-based data with additional attributes or extract valuable insights from unstructured text.

Data Linking and Integration: AI techniques can help link and integrate disparate data sources, enabling enrichment through data fusion. By applying entity resolution or record linkage algorithms, you can identify and connect related data from different sources, creating a unified and enriched dataset.

Data Augmentation: AI techniques can be used to generate synthetic or augmented data, which can enrich your dataset and provide additional training examples for machine learning models. This is particularly useful when you have limited or imbalanced data and need to expand the dataset’s diversity.


Data enrichment plays a vital role in DLM by enhancing data quality, providing valuable insights, enabling personalisation, improving targeting and segmentation, and enriching historical data. By incorporating data enrichment practices into their DLM strategies, organisations can maximise the value and utility of their data assets throughout the entire data lifecycle.

How data integration and enrichment can help you maximise your CRM value

In the B2B world, data is the key to unlocking the full potential of customer relationship management (CRM) systems. A CRM is only as effective as the data it contains, and the insights it can provide. Without quality data, your CRM will be unable to provide the insights and actionable information needed to build strong customer relationships.

With accurate, timely data, your CRM can help you understand your customers’ needs, preferences, and behaviours, which is essential for delivering personalised, relevant experiences that drive customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention. Data can also help you identify trends, patterns, and opportunities that would be impossible to detect otherwise, allowing you to optimise your customer interactions and marketing efforts.

How to enrich CRM data

There are several types of data that can be used to enrich CRM and improve its performance.

Firmographic/Company Data

Firmographic data such as industry, company size, and revenue can be used to target specific businesses and create targeted marketing campaigns. By integrating enriched firmographic/company data, users will be able to extract actionable insights about competitors, clients and prospects.

Technographic Data

Enriching CRM data with technographics is another effective method for gaining insight into a customer’s pain points. By analysing a customer’s tech stack, you can identify which solutions are technologically compatible and relevant to their needs. This data allows you to better understand the customer’s technological preferences and make informed decisions about which solutions to offer to them.

Demographic/People Data

Demographic data such as age, gender, income, and education can be used to create customer profiles and tailor marketing efforts to specific segments of your customer base.

Geographic Data

Geographic data such as location, time zone, and climate can be used to create personalised marketing campaigns and target customers based on their location.

How can incomplete or inaccurate data can hurt your CRM performance

Incomplete or inaccurate data can have a significant negative impact on the performance of your CRM. Here are a few ways it can hurt your CRM performance.

Poor Data Quality

Incomplete or inaccurate data can lead to poor data quality, making it difficult to identify trends or make data-driven decisions. This can lead to missed opportunities and lost revenue.

Incomplete Customer Profiles

Incomplete data can lead to incomplete customer profiles, which means you may not have a full understanding of your customers’ needs and preferences. This can lead to ineffective marketing and customer service efforts, resulting in poor customer experiences.

Wasted Resources

Inaccurate data can lead to wasted resources, as your team may spend time and money on ineffective marketing or outreach efforts based on incorrect or incomplete data.

Decreased Customer Satisfaction

If your CRM system contains incomplete or inaccurate data, it may result in poor customer experiences. This can lead to decreased customer satisfaction, negative reviews, and lost business.

Top data sources

We know data is crucial to the success of your CRM. It enables users to build stronger relationships with your customers and drive business growth by providing the insights and information needed to make data-driven decisions. It is essential for everyone involved in the development of a CRM system to ensure the quality and accuracy of the CRM data is delivering effectiveness and impact, aiding in the success of your organisation.

We also know the internet is loaded with publicly available data for CRM data enrichment. Using a real-time data enrichment tool enables companies to quickly get the most topical and accurate data on their customers gathered from various sources.

KnowFirst™ is Australia’s top company data API, helping provide users with contextual company, people and marketing data using one of Australia’s largest crawling network. This allows us to provide our users with the most varied and relevant data types for CRM enrichment.

B2B web data integration for Australian companies

Are you tired of struggling to make sense of the massive amounts of B2B data available on the web? Have you ever wished for a solution that could seamlessly integrate and transform data from multiple sources into one cohesive workflow? If so, then web data integration (WDI) might just be the answer you’re looking for.

Now, we know what you’re thinking – “Web integration? That sounds like a snooze fest!” But trust me, WDI is more than just your average web scraping tool. It’s a powerful process that can unlock hidden insights and provide invaluable information to businesses and analysts alike.

With the data explosion showing no signs of slowing down (175 zettabytes by 2025!), understanding the data lifecycle has become increasingly important. And that’s where WDI comes in – it’s a sophisticated solution that includes everything from data extraction to standardisation, API integration, and data mapping.

But don’t just take my word for it – many Australian businesses have already turned to WDI for its benefits in improving data quality and maximising the potential of web data. And with 2.5 quintillion data points created daily across the world, experts know that traditional methods like web scraping can only take us so far.

A world beyond web scraping

Before we dive into the world of web data integration, let’s take a moment to explore the foundation of this revolutionary process: web scraping. You see, web scraping (or web data extraction, if you want to get technical) is all about using software to access and extract data from web pages using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP for short.

For those of you not in the know, HTTP is an application-layer protocol that’s responsible for transmitting hypermedia documents – like HTML – and displaying them as web pages for all us end-users to enjoy.

But here’s the thing: while web pages might contain a wealth of information in text form, that data isn’t always easily accessible in its original format. That’s where web scraping comes in – by utilising software to extract data from web pages, we can unlock insights and find success upon analysis.

But web scraping is just the beginning. Enter web data integration – the process that takes web scraping to the next level by amplifying its objectives to include data cleansing, normalisation, performing calculations, unlocking hidden data, custom reporting, and integration capabilities. Talk about a power-up!

And the best part? Web data integration combines all of these objectives into one interactive process with five major steps.


In order to extract data required, it is essential to determine the relevant data sources and their types that can potentially yield the valuable business insights needed. This may include identifying web sources such as a URL or social media source. Identify this URL where your desired data is located.


After identifying and selecting the appropriate data sources, the next step is to initiate web data extraction or web scraping. Additionally, it is important to make a decision about whether to perform the data integration process in-house or to outsource it before beginning.

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The preparation stage involves several smaller processes that are closely related to data quality, such as cleansing, normalisation, and standardisation. This phase plays a crucial role in preserving the quality of data throughout the subsequent integration process.


After the data has been normalised and a certain standard of data quality has been achieved, you can now integrate the data into APIs.


Finally, once all the data is seamlessly integrated, the door to unlocking game-changing insights swings wide open! With a treasure trove of information at your fingertips, you can unearth powerful discoveries that could transform the way you do business. For instance, you could harness the power of machine learning and other cutting-edge AI processes to uncover novel insights from your integrated data.

The easier option

Want to skip these steps? We have done the hard work for you. Check out our API options. By integrating our powerful API into your applications, you can search, filter and retrieve relevant data records to enrich your existing data, and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Company API
People API
Marketing API

With more than 3M+ company profiles from the largest professional network, you can access data such as:

  • Contact information
  • Locations
  • Social media profiles
  • Contracts and tenders
  • Company financials

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With more than 12M+ company profiles from the largest professional network, you can access data such as:

  • Current and past employees
  • Salaries
  • Employee analytics
  • Employee reviews
  • Contact information

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With 238M+ records from the largest professional network, you can access data such as:

  • Online reputation
  • Social media trends
  • Web traffic and rankings
  • Google ads
  • Tech stacks

Find out more →

Data structures and the power of AI

In today’s corporate world, data is king. The amount of data that is generated every day is astronomical, and companies that can harness that data effectively have a competitive advantage. But in order to do so, they must first have a solid foundation in being able to leverage this data for crucial business practices such as lead generation, market analysis, and business and investment intelligence.

Our data is growing

Our global data footprint is expanding at an exponential rate. According to a study by Seagate, the global data sphere is expected to reach 175 zettabytes by 2025, a massive growth from 45 zettabytes reported in 2019.

The power of AI lies in its ability to make sense of this vast amount of data. By leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, AI can extract insights from data that would be impossible for humans to detect on their own. For example, AI can be used to identify patterns in customer behaviour, optimise supply chain operations, and detect fraud.

Leveraging the power of data AI

However, in order to fully leverage the power of AI, companies need to have the right infrastructure in place. This means investing in technology that enhances their data, such as data warehouses, data lakes, and data pipelines. By doing so, they can ensure that their data is properly stored and accessible, and that it can be processed efficiently by AI algorithms.

So how can we encourage companies to invest in technology that enhances their data? One approach is to demonstrate the ROI of such investments. By showing companies how much money they can save or earn by using AI to optimise their operations, we can make a strong case for investing in the technology needed to support AI.

Another approach is to highlight the risks of not investing in technology that enhances data. Companies that fail to do so risk falling behind their competitors and missing out on potential business opportunities. They may also be more vulnerable to data breaches and other security threats.

Finally, we can appeal to the values of company leaders. By emphasising the importance of innovation and staying ahead of the curve, we can encourage them to invest in technology that enhances data as a way of future-proofing their businesses.

Where to from here?

Data structures and AI are powerful tools that can help companies make sense of vast amounts of data. By investing in technology that enhances data, companies can unlock the full potential of AI and gain a competitive advantage. 

At KnowFirst™, our API solution provides users with the rich Australian company insights you need to take your CRM to the next level. By leveraging our AI technology, you can enhance your sales and marketing efforts and boost your bottom line.

If you’re looking to make your CRM smarter and more effective, consider leveraging the power of rich Australian company insights with the KnowFirst™ API. Our API can help you identify new opportunities, engage your target audience, and close more deals.

Unlock new opportunities

Solutions for any industry

Customers trust KnowFirst™, with various industries using our solutions to power their products and services.

HR & Recruitment

HR & Recruitment

Your one source for up-to-date candidate data. Flag churn risk, score company health, and learn about talent at the aggregate level.
Sales & Marketing

Sales & Marketing

Build data-driven sales funnels. We are powering  businesses across Australia to drive more sales using our database of B2B and B2C leads.
Data Enrichment

Data Enrichment

Maintain your database, analyse company changes, and expand your understanding thanks to convenient URL matching.

Understanding the differences between Structured and Unstructured Data

With AI changing the way we look we data, and the impact on data management solutions, understanding the difference between data types is critical to ensuring the information contained with your systems are beneficial to users. 

The four types of data

There are four main data structures:

Structured data is information that is formatted and organised for readability within relational databases. In contrast, unstructured data’s format is undefined, not well-organised, and not usable by relational databases.

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What is structured data?

Structured data refers to any data that is organised and stored in a predefined format that can be easily accessed, managed, and processed by computers. This means that the data is organised in a way that is consistent and easy to understand, with a clear structure and defined relationships between the different elements.

Structured data is typically stored in databases or spreadsheets, where each piece of information is assigned to a specific field or column, and the relationships between different pieces of data are defined by the way they are structured within the database. This makes it easy to query and analyse the data using tools such as SQL (Structured Query Language).

Some common examples of structured data include:

  • customer records in a CRM system
  • financial data in an accounting system, or 
  • inventory data in a warehouse management system. 

Structured data accounts for approximately 20% of total global data and is particularly valuable to companies and investors. Although structured data is considered to be the most user-friendly and desirable data format, it is actually the least prevalent type of data structure. This is due to the fact that structured data is obtained from sources such as spreadsheets and relational database management systems.

Today we are seeing companies leverage the digitalisation of such structured data for building AI-based tools and data-driven decision-making.

What is unstructured data?

Structured data is often contrasted with unstructured data, which includes things like text documents, images, and video that are not easily organised into a structured format. It is not organised or formatted in a predefined data model and is stored as media files or in NoSQL databases.

Unstructured data accounts for approximately 80% of data worldwide, and despite its complexity, unstructured data, when integrated, organised, and analysed properly, provides companies with high-quality qualitative data and business insights.

Furthermore, unstructured data is obtained from a wide range of sources such as social media, documents, PDFs, audio files, video files, and sensor data, among others. However, due to the diverse types of sources and the lack of specific formatting requirements, unstructured data must be processed and converted before it can be effectively analysed or integrated.

The development of AI technology, automation, and cloud-based solutions has been crucial in handling unstructured data. In particular, unstructured data is stored on servers and in the cloud, and is managed using natural language processing and data mining techniques.

Interestingly, some companies still refuse to manage unstructured data, and simply expand their available storage space, filling it with more unstructured data.

What is semi-structured data?

Semi-structured data is a type of data that has some structure, but does not conform to the strict and rigid structure of structured data. Unlike structured data, which is organised into tables with predefined columns and data types, semi-structured data has a flexible structure that allows for variation in the way data is organised and stored.

Semi-structured data typically contains some form of metadata or tags that provide information about the structure of the data. This metadata allows the data to be easily searched and organised, even though the actual data itself may not be fully structured.

Common examples of semi-structured data include:

  • XML files
  • JSON files, and 
  • HTML documents, 
  • As well as log files and sensor data that may have some structure but also contain unstructured information. 

Semi-structured data is often more flexible than structured data and can be easier to work with than unstructured data because it has some organisation and context.

The key differences between Structured vs. Unstructured data

Structured data and unstructured data are two types of data that differ significantly in terms of their organisation, format, and usefulness. Here are some key differences between the two:


Structured data is highly organised and conforms to a specific format, such as a database or spreadsheet. Unstructured data, on the other hand, has no specific organisation or structure, and may include data in the form of text, images, audio, or video files.


Structured data is typically more accessible and easier to analyse because it is organised in a specific format that can be easily searched and analysed using tools like SQL. Unstructured data, on the other hand, is more difficult to analyse and may require specialised tools and techniques.


Unstructured data tends to be larger in volume than structured data, as it includes a wide variety of data types and may be generated in large quantities, such as social media posts or sensor data.


Structured data is typically considered more valuable than unstructured data because it can provide more accurate and reliable insights. However, unstructured data can also be valuable in certain contexts, such as sentiment analysis or image recognition.


Structured data can be easily processed and analysed by machines, while unstructured data requires more sophisticated processing techniques, such as natural language processing, to make sense of the data.

The Wrap Up

Having an understanding of the different types of data structures is crucial for companies to comprehend the significance of data management. To fully leverage the potential of data, companies must optimise their data management and storage processes for both structured and unstructured data.

As the amount of data being generated globally continues to increase exponentially, data scientists and companies will continue to enhance their management and storage capabilities to handle all types of data structures.

Enhance your CRM with rich Australian account insights to boost sales

Most professionals know that having a comprehensive understanding of your target audience is crucial to closing deals. While it is often ‘easy’ to find the data, it is often time consuming, with your CRM users all spending time looking for the same information. With the right data and analytics tool, your team can enrich your data, make informed decisions and tailor your approach to each individual account, all within your current CRM application. 

But how specifically does Competitor AI support my sales and marketing teams?

There are 3 ways that you can turn insights into action. 

Deliver real-time insights of your target accounts

Using artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to analyse millions of intent signals from across the web, your CRM can deliver real-time insights into the behaviour and interests of your target accounts. With this information, your teams can create highly personalised sales and marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience, leading to increased engagement and conversions.

Identify high value accounts

Additionally, integrated predictive modelling capabilities within your CRM allow users to identify high-value accounts that are most likely to convert, allowing them to focus their efforts on those with the greatest potential ROI. By enhancing and integrating core Australian company data within your CRM, your users will then be able to track the engagement and buying signals of your target accounts, giving you the ability to prioritise and nurture leads based on their level of interest.

Streamline your sales

By integrating your CRM with data enhancement platforms, your users will be able to streamline their sales and marketing processes. By bringing all the enriched and validated data into one place, you can gain a complete view of your accounts and track their engagement across multiple channels.

Sell smarter, not harder

Your sales, account management and marketing teams can only be so productive, and they all have a growing to-do list and finite hours in which to complete it. Although there is no magic solution to getting 100 more outreaches in a day, you can make your outreaches higher quality. And having enriched and integrated data will see an uptick in ROI without cloning yourself or losing sleep. The key is augmenting your sales and marketing teams with data science. It isn’t rocket science, just a good business decision.

Most companies have an approach which is unique to you, and having access to the right data will ensure every customer and every conversation is approached with a fresh perspective. Teams have seen that it is increasingly difficult to get individuals to respond to your outreach, and it can take between 17-22 touchpoints to move your prospects through the sales funnel. It takes a data-driven strategy and the right platforms to build effective prospecting funnels and see results in real time.

At KnowFirst™, our API solution provides users with the rich Australian company insights you need to take your CRM to the next level. By leveraging our AI technology, you can enhance your sales and marketing efforts and boost your bottom line.

If you’re looking to make your CRM smarter and more effective, consider leveraging the power of rich Australian company insights with the KnowFirst™ API. Our API can help you identify new opportunities, engage your target audience, and close more deals.

Integrate your data with no-code competitor monitoring

Competitor monitoring is an essential aspect of any business strategy. It helps you keep tabs on what your competitors are doing, identify opportunities, and stay ahead of the game. However, traditional competitor monitoring methods can be time-consuming, expensive, and require technical expertise. But with the rise of no-code tools, monitoring your competitors has become much more accessible.

No-code competitor monitoring tools

Company should focus on their products. That’s a no brainer. But they can’t just ignore what is happening out there. And with so much information at their fingertips, they can find incredible insights with data gathered from competitors, suppliers and customers.

No-code competitor monitoring involves using tools that don’t require coding skills to set up and manage. These tools automate the monitoring process, making it faster, more efficient, and less prone to errors. Some examples of what you can do with no-code competitor monitoring tools include:

  • Track competitor campaigns promotions
  • Keep up with new product releases and new features
  • Monitor new hires, employee changes and role changes
  • Look for customer reviews (good and bad)
  • Analyse their movements across organic and paid media platforms

Sounds exhausting and time consuming doesn’t it? And we can all agree that manual check are usually a bad idea. They are too time consuming, can be unreliable and it is easy miss when the web is full of data sources. 

This is a task for AI.

In the past, this would have needed a lot of code to even start putting this information into a semi-structured data source. But you can achieve this goal using platforms such as KnowFirst™ and our API solution. 

Let’s break it down. 

No-code competitor analysis with a few clicks

It might seem like a daunting task, but you can break down competitor analysis into a 4-step process.

Let’s start by:

  • Input the parameters: Add list of the names and domains of the competitors you want to analyse, and the information you want to compare
  • Load content: KnowFirst™ provides you with access to the targeted pages and loads the desired content
  • Compare: Analyse previous data available with current data from KnowFirst™ 
  • Run actions: Create relevant documents, assign tasks, send emails… the list is endless

Get started

At KnowFirst™, our API solutions provide users with the rich Australian company insights you need to take your CRM to the next level. By leveraging our AI technology, you can enhance your sales and marketing efforts and boost your bottom line.

If you’re looking to make your CRM smarter and more effective, consider leveraging the power of rich Australian company insights with the KnowFirst™ API. Our API can help you identify new opportunities, engage your target audience, and close more deals.

Don’t ask WHO your customer is. Ask WHY.

Asking “who” your customer is can give you a basic understanding of their demographics, location, and industry. However, it doesn’t tell you much about their motivations, pain points, and goals. To truly understand your customers, you need to ask “why” they are doing business with you.

Here are a few reasons why asking “why” is important.

It helps you identify their pain points

By understanding why your customers are doing business with you, you can identify their pain points and challenges. This knowledge can help you tailor your products or services to better meet their needs and offer solutions that address their specific challenges.

It helps you provide better customer service

Knowing why your customers are doing business with you can also help you provide better customer service. For example, if a customer is doing business with you because they value responsiveness, you can prioritise quick response times and ensure that their needs are met in a timely manner.

It helps you build stronger relationships

When you understand why your customers are doing business with you, you can build stronger relationships with them. By demonstrating that you understand their motivations and challenges, you can build trust and establish yourself as a partner who is invested in their success.

Tips and Tricks

So, how can you start asking “why” instead of “who”? Here are a few tips and tricks to get you started:

Ask open-ended questions

Instead of asking yes or no questions, ask open-ended questions that encourage customers to share their thoughts and feelings. For example, instead of asking “Do you like our product?”, ask “What do you like about our product?”

Listen actively

When your customers are speaking, be sure to actively listen to what they are saying. This means focusing on their words, avoiding distractions, and asking clarifying questions and answers when needed.

Take notes

Make sure to take notes during your conversations with customers. This will help you remember important details and insights that you can use to improve your products, services, and customer service. Include details on their mannerisms and tone of voice, and identify parts of your conversation that may lead to further discovery information.


In conclusion, asking “why” instead of “who” can help you gain a deeper understanding of your customers’ motivations, pain points, and goals. By using this information to tailor your offerings and build stronger relationships, you can drive revenue and position your organisation for long-term success.

15+ powerful software solutions for AI driven B2B prospecting

In today’s competitive B2B landscape, effective prospecting is a crucial part of any successful sales strategy. However, artificial intelligence is changing the playing field and helping teams identify and engage with high-quality leads, helping even the most experienced sales teams. That’s why we have put together some of the most powerful AI driven software solutions to help sales teams improve their prospecting efforts and generate more qualified leads. From leveraging social media to crafting personalised outreach messages, these tools will help your team build a more effective and efficient prospecting process. 

Identify your ideal customer profile

Before you begin prospecting, take the time to clearly define your ideal customer profile. This will help you target your outreach efforts to the companies and individuals who are most likely to become your customers.

Customer profiling software helps sales and marketing professionals gather information about their target customers and organise those potential customers into categories. The landscape is complex and competitive, so here’s a closer look at the best customer profiling tools out there:

Use your CRM

If you have no need to add another piece of software, your CRM often keeps a track of all customer profiles. Top CRM options include:

Data Enrichment Software

Using a data enrichment tool to enhance your ideal customer profile will allow your sales team to see the full picture, helping them make data-based decisions. While the international market is fierce when it comes to data enrichment software, KnowFirst is the only software dedicated to providing Australian teams the information they need. 

Buyer Personas and Customer Profiles

Creating buyer personas is a crucial aspect of successful marketing and sales campaigns. These customer profiles are developed using market research and actual data, and they enable businesses to implement precise and efficient sales strategies.

Build a targeted list

Don’t rely on generic lists of leads. Build a targeted list of companies and individuals who fit your ideal customer profile and are likely to be interested in your products or services. Once you have identified your ideal customer profile, look for ways you can communicate with both the company as a whole as well as the decision makers within that company.

Social Media

You can also use social media platforms, which are powerful tools for identifying potential prospects. LinkedIn is the best solution for this, and provides users with advanced search features to identify individuals who meet your ideal customer profile and reach out to them with a personalised message.

Lead Generation

For those who are ready to take the leap into cold calling and cold emailing, there are a number of software platforms available to provide you contact information. 

  • is the first and Only Real-Time Search Engine for B2B Sales Leads.
  • Lusha helps you reach the right decision makers.
  • Cognism. While Cognism may be out of most people’s budget, it is a good option for those wanting to expand their suite of software choices.

Craft personalised outreach messages

Effective prospecting isn’t just about generating new leads. It’s also about building and nurturing relationships with existing prospects to move them closer to a sale. If you are going to all the effort of building a target lead list, it’s best to avoid generic, templated outreach messages. Instead, take the time to research each prospect and craft personalised messages that demonstrate your understanding of their business and their pain points.

Email marketing can be a highly effective way to nurture leads and move them further down the sales funnel. Use targeted email campaigns to provide value and demonstrate your expertise.

Use your CRM

Once again, your CRM should offer you the best software to target your prospects, while also providing you with templates and strategies to close those deals. Check out the list above for our top choices for your CRM. 

Email marketing made easy

For those wanting a little extra push into the world of email marketing, there are a number of AI driven and intuitive software options available, including:

The best part is they should integrate into your CRM, saving you time and effort. 

Measure and optimise

Following up is key to successful prospecting. Be persistent, but not pushy. Use a mix of communication channels, such as phone calls, emails, and social media messages, to stay top-of-mind with prospects.

Finally, be sure to measure the effectiveness of your prospecting efforts and optimise your strategy accordingly. Use metrics like response rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated to continually improve your lead generation efforts.

Survey Software

The best way to measure your performance is to utilise survey software. Businesses can obtain feedback and insights from a specific target audience with the aid of survey software. With significant advancements in technology, these tools now provide recipients with more engaging and authentic experiences. Our top picks include:

  • SurveyMonkey is the global leader in survey software, helping businesses get the answers they need to drive your prospecting strategies. 
  • Survicate allows you to ask for feedback at every step of your user journey. 
  • JotForm has an easy to use form builder, and aims to undercut other survey software while being easier to use. 


Implementing these 10 tips can help sales teams improve their B2B prospecting efforts and generate more high-quality leads. Remember to stay focused on providing value to prospects and building long-term relationships, and you’ll be well on your way to success.

By selecting the appropriate software to drive your sales team, you can significantly enhance your lead generation efforts. There are endless options out there to help you streamline your lead generation process, from creating and communicating customer profiles to your sales team, to boosting their ability to successfully promote and sell your product or service. By providing your sales team with powerful and precise tools, AI tools will help generate more leads for your business.

It has been all systems go for our product development team during February 2023, and we are excited to announce some new key features across platform.  

New Filters to improve your company search queries

Our updated Advanced Search function means you can filter your company search by:

  • Location 
  • Interests
  • Industry
  • Number of Staff
  • Revenue
  • Founded Year

Login to your account to try it out today. Never tried KnowFirst™? Sign up for a free trial! 

Tech Stack so you can determine what your competitors are good at

The term tech stack encompasses all the software components that a company uses for its products and websites. To gain insight into the strengths of your competitors, it is vital to comprehend their tech stacks.

The tech stack comprises various elements such as:

  • database software (MySQL),
  • web server (Apache),
  • application framework (Ruby on Rails),
  • email marketing tools (Klaviyo, Mailchimp, Aweber),
  • marketing analytics (Google Analytics),
  • CRM (Hubspot),
  • and ecommerce platforms (Shopify, BigCommerce).

Check it out under Web –> Domains in the KnowFirst™ platform. 

Page Speed matters when looking at all things digital

PageSpeed Insights (PSI) reports on the user experience of a company website for both mobile and desktop devices. Page speed is important when comparing user experience. Pages with a longer load time tend to have higher bounce rates and lower average time on page. Longer load times have also been shown to negatively affect conversions.

How does your website compare against your competitors?

Public API

Our Enterprise subscribers are going to love this one! Our public API is now available, giving our Enterprise subscribers the ability to gain universal access within their own platforms. 

If you would like to know more about our Enterprise offering, contact us today

Get your free Competitive Analysis template

Track and analyse your competitors while decreasing your research time by 50%.​

Boosting Productivity and Efficiency: Exploring the Benefits of Company Tracking Tools

AI is driving today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape, and companies are constantly seeking new company tracking tools to increase productivity and efficiency while minimising overheads. 

One area that has seen significant advancements in recent years is the use of company tracking software. From tracking receiving daily alerts on the most up to date information to accessing critical data on your sales prospects, company tracking tools have become an indispensable part of modern-day business operations. With the many benefits of company tracking software evident to those in the know, many are still wondering how company tracking software can help their business stay on top of their game. Whether it is small business owners or CEOs of large corporations, using this AI driven technology can transform the way you work.

Benefits of Company Tracking Software

Here are the top three reasons professionals are benefiting when using automated company tracking for Australian businesses:

Staying ahead of industry trends

By tracking your clients, prospects and competitors, you can stay up-to-date on industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies. This information can help you identify gaps in your own business strategies and provide valuable insights into what your customers may be looking for. By keeping tabs on your competitors’ marketing campaigns, hiring strategies, and new contracts, you can make more informed decisions about your own business and stay ahead of the curve.

Identifying opportunities

Company and competitor tracking can also help you identify new opportunities for growth and expansion. By monitoring your competitors’ movements, you may discover untapped markets or customer segments that you can target. You can also identify areas where your competitors may be falling short and capitalise on those weaknesses. For example, if you notice that a competitor is receiving a significant amount of negative reviews, they may be struggling with customer service. You can then focus your strategies on providing exceptional service to differentiate yourself from the competition.

Improving your own business strategies

Perhaps the most significant benefit of company and competitor tracking tools is that it can help you improve your own business strategies. By analysing your competitors’ successes and failures, you can gain valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t. This information can help you refine your own business strategies, improve your products and services, and make more informed decisions about investments and resource allocation. By continuously monitoring your others in your industry, you can adapt quickly to changes in the market and stay ahead of the competition.

Leveraging company tracking tools

By leveraging the benefits of company tracking tools, professionals across Australia can gain a competitive edge by identifying new opportunities, refining their sales strategies, and delivering greater value to their customers.

Get your free Competitive Analysis template

Track and analyse your competitors while decreasing your research time by 50%.​

Mastering the Competitor Analysis

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Search, analyse, act.

KnowFirst™ provides the information too quickly and decisively make the important decisions that make a difference to your business.​