15+ powerful software solutions for AI driven B2B prospecting

In today’s competitive B2B landscape, effective prospecting is a crucial part of any successful sales strategy. However, artificial intelligence is changing the playing field and helping teams identify and engage with high-quality leads, helping even the most experienced sales teams. That’s why we have put together some of the most powerful AI driven software solutions to help sales teams improve their prospecting efforts and generate more qualified leads. From leveraging social media to crafting personalised outreach messages, these tools will help your team build a more effective and efficient prospecting process. 

Identify your ideal customer profile

Before you begin prospecting, take the time to clearly define your ideal customer profile. This will help you target your outreach efforts to the companies and individuals who are most likely to become your customers.

Customer profiling software helps sales and marketing professionals gather information about their target customers and organise those potential customers into categories. The landscape is complex and competitive, so here’s a closer look at the best customer profiling tools out there:

Use your CRM

If you have no need to add another piece of software, your CRM often keeps a track of all customer profiles. Top CRM options include:

Data Enrichment Software

Using a data enrichment tool to enhance your ideal customer profile will allow your sales team to see the full picture, helping them make data-based decisions. While the international market is fierce when it comes to data enrichment software, KnowFirst is the only software dedicated to providing Australian teams the information they need. 

Buyer Personas and Customer Profiles

Creating buyer personas is a crucial aspect of successful marketing and sales campaigns. These customer profiles are developed using market research and actual data, and they enable businesses to implement precise and efficient sales strategies.

Build a targeted list

Don’t rely on generic lists of leads. Build a targeted list of companies and individuals who fit your ideal customer profile and are likely to be interested in your products or services. Once you have identified your ideal customer profile, look for ways you can communicate with both the company as a whole as well as the decision makers within that company.

Social Media

You can also use social media platforms, which are powerful tools for identifying potential prospects. LinkedIn is the best solution for this, and provides users with advanced search features to identify individuals who meet your ideal customer profile and reach out to them with a personalised message.

Lead Generation

For those who are ready to take the leap into cold calling and cold emailing, there are a number of software platforms available to provide you contact information. 

  • Seamless.ai is the first and Only Real-Time Search Engine for B2B Sales Leads.
  • Lusha helps you reach the right decision makers.
  • Cognism. While Cognism may be out of most people’s budget, it is a good option for those wanting to expand their suite of software choices.

Craft personalised outreach messages

Effective prospecting isn’t just about generating new leads. It’s also about building and nurturing relationships with existing prospects to move them closer to a sale. If you are going to all the effort of building a target lead list, it’s best to avoid generic, templated outreach messages. Instead, take the time to research each prospect and craft personalised messages that demonstrate your understanding of their business and their pain points.

Email marketing can be a highly effective way to nurture leads and move them further down the sales funnel. Use targeted email campaigns to provide value and demonstrate your expertise.

Use your CRM

Once again, your CRM should offer you the best software to target your prospects, while also providing you with templates and strategies to close those deals. Check out the list above for our top choices for your CRM. 

Email marketing made easy

For those wanting a little extra push into the world of email marketing, there are a number of AI driven and intuitive software options available, including:

The best part is they should integrate into your CRM, saving you time and effort. 

Measure and optimise

Following up is key to successful prospecting. Be persistent, but not pushy. Use a mix of communication channels, such as phone calls, emails, and social media messages, to stay top-of-mind with prospects.

Finally, be sure to measure the effectiveness of your prospecting efforts and optimise your strategy accordingly. Use metrics like response rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated to continually improve your lead generation efforts.

Survey Software

The best way to measure your performance is to utilise survey software. Businesses can obtain feedback and insights from a specific target audience with the aid of survey software. With significant advancements in technology, these tools now provide recipients with more engaging and authentic experiences. Our top picks include:

  • SurveyMonkey is the global leader in survey software, helping businesses get the answers they need to drive your prospecting strategies. 
  • Survicate allows you to ask for feedback at every step of your user journey. 
  • JotForm has an easy to use form builder, and aims to undercut other survey software while being easier to use. 


Implementing these 10 tips can help sales teams improve their B2B prospecting efforts and generate more high-quality leads. Remember to stay focused on providing value to prospects and building long-term relationships, and you’ll be well on your way to success.

By selecting the appropriate software to drive your sales team, you can significantly enhance your lead generation efforts. There are endless options out there to help you streamline your lead generation process, from creating and communicating customer profiles to your sales team, to boosting their ability to successfully promote and sell your product or service. By providing your sales team with powerful and precise tools, AI tools will help generate more leads for your business.