KnowFirst Platform

Our detailed competitor intelligence platform delivers competitor research data on all Australia companies, in one simple search engine. 

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Search, analyse and act

Join thousands of other professionals who are utilising the power of the KnowFirst™ competitor AI platform to search and track Australian companies.

Using KnowFirst™ 

How does it work?

The KnowFirst™ API and Platform is built for developers, by developers. Make data-driven decisions to gain a competitive edge.

One platform for all of your competitor intelligence

Get direct access with our easy to use Competitor AI platform. No integration required, just sign up and start tracking your competitors, prospects and clients today. 

Using the KnowFirst™ platform

Take control of your competitor data chaos

The more you know about your prospects, the more you can tailor your pitch and close more deals. Unlock your teams potential by giving them the data, insights and knowledge they need to succeed.

Search and share with ease

Transform your competitor intelligence analysis into fact-based decision support in minutes.

The sales companion you need

Get immediate competitor intelligence and understand your market in more depth with the power of KnowFirst™ and our data driven system.

Speed to market when it matters most

Market threats don’t give you a warning before having an impact on your business. KnowFirst™ highlights the trends that matter to your business so you can act quickly.

Drive growth at scale

Competitor intelligence is what separates good businesses from the best ones. Turn your competitor intelligence into actionable insights and drive the growth within your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our data comes from a number of different sources, including:

  • Publicly available information, giving you access to the best data the market can offer.
  • Machine learning models, where we monitor the digital infrastructure of companies using proprietary models.
  • Strategic partnerships with premium-grade providers, allowing us to provide users with highly accurate supporting data. 

The data provided by KnowFirst™ is being used by HR platforms, investors, marketing teams, accounting platforms and a wide range of companies that want to enrich their data for various purposes, including lead generation, growth marketing and market research. 

There are many use cases for using our data, including:

  • Tracking the growth of a company for better investment intelligence
  • Approaching your target audience with more effective company intelligence
  •  Equipping your sales team with more accurate data
  • Finding market segments for expansion and infiltration
  • Gaining valuable insights into your competitors, prospects and clients

When analysing our datasets, your approach will vary depending on your objectives. Investors may utilise our data to establish company segments based on criteria such as size, location, and founding date, uncovering potential investment prospects. Different experts may also use the data categories to pinpoint their competitor movements, based on the different parameters they want to analyse, such as social media growth, employee sentiment or customer reviews. 

Data segmentation involves dividing a large set of companies into smaller segments based on particular criteria. For example, you may group companies of a particular size range into one segment and those operating within the same region into another.

Alternatively, several parameters may be selected to group companies that meet those criteria into a smaller segment. By analysing these segments, businesses can gain valuable insights into their unique characteristics, needs, and behaviour patterns. This information can be used to tailor marketing strategies and sales efforts, allocate resources effectively, and ultimately drive revenue growth.

Data security is a top priority for everyone at KnowFirst™. Our data has multi-layered protection, ensuring we avoid breaches and leaks for all sensitive information. 

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Competitor Search

Turn your emails and calls into real conversations and build better working relationships. 

Use the search and track functions in the KnowFirst™ Competitor AI platform to quickly find valuable company information. Use this information to add value to your business discussions.

Competitor Tracking

Turn your emails and calls into real conversations and build better working relationships. 

Keeping track of your competitors, prospects and market leaders is essential for business growth. Your news feeds and daily email updates give you all the information you need when you need it to.

Competitor Analysis

Turn your emails and calls into real conversations and build better working relationships. 

Competitor intelligence is what separates good businesses from the best ones. Turn your competitor intelligence into actionable insights and drive the growth within your business.